WEBVTT 00:00.930 --> 00:03.152 It's Vice Admiral Johnny Wolf here with 00:03.152 --> 00:05.208 the leadership moment as Director of 00:05.208 --> 00:07.263 Strategic System programs and having 00:07.263 --> 00:09.479 been in Ed for 30 years , I've had a 00:09.489 --> 00:11.433 lot of opportunities to learn what 00:11.433 --> 00:13.949 makes a good edo and a good leader . 00:14.279 --> 00:16.335 One of the most important things you 00:16.335 --> 00:18.501 can do as edo is , is maintain a sense 00:18.501 --> 00:20.779 of urgency and drive issues to closure . 00:21.090 --> 00:23.312 Moving with a sense of urgency does not 00:23.312 --> 00:25.479 mean rushing through things . It means 00:25.479 --> 00:27.479 understanding the priorities of our 00:27.479 --> 00:29.646 mission and the pace needed to achieve 00:29.646 --> 00:31.646 those priorities to support the war 00:31.646 --> 00:34.009 fighter . We are in an unpredictable 00:34.020 --> 00:36.630 world issues will come at us fast . I 00:36.639 --> 00:38.750 challenge you to take on those issues 00:38.750 --> 00:40.840 as they come , prioritize them and 00:40.849 --> 00:42.905 drive them to closure without losing 00:42.905 --> 00:45.619 sight of the big picture . S have been 00:45.630 --> 00:47.741 doing great things for many decades . 00:47.840 --> 00:49.750 You are the technologist and 00:49.759 --> 00:51.870 maintainers of our navy . You are the 00:51.870 --> 00:54.349 ironclad link between our platforms , 00:54.599 --> 00:57.439 our systems and the war fighter with a 00:57.450 --> 00:59.509 productive sense of urgency . I'm 00:59.520 --> 01:01.742 confident you will continue to build on 01:01.742 --> 01:03.959 our reputation of technological 01:03.970 --> 01:06.230 excellence and mission success .